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Annual General Meeting

Calling all Downtown Penticton Business Improvement Association members! We are hosting our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, at Slackwater Brewing from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.

Join us for this fun and informative evening where we will review the past year, elect a new board for 2022, and learn tips on safety and security from our guest speakers. Plus, there will be hor d’oeuvres and a complimentary beverage for everyone to enjoy.


Let us know you’re coming!

Please let us know that you are coming by Friday, May 13 at 4:00 PM to ensure we supply enough food for the evening.

There are two simple ways to RSVP:

  • Call us at 250-493-8540
  • Send us an email with your particulars (name, business/commercial property name, phone number and email address. If someone will be accompanying you, please provide their names as well.)


We look forward to your participation. Attending the AGM allows you to exercise your voting privileges on important DPBIA governance matters. For example, your vote counts in electing new directors to the board and approving the yearly reports and financial statements, which are key accountabilities to you as an esteemed member.